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Workshop A Agenda

Pages from HR Law AU Masterclass Brochure


Registration and welcome coffee: 8:30am
Course duration: 9:00am-4:30pm, including networking breaks

Performance Management Processes 

  • What type of employee issues can be managed through a performance management process

  • What makes a justifiable Performance Improvement Plan 

  • What do you need to show to justify a termination for performance 

Workshop A Logo

Misconduct Processes 

  • What is the difference between performance issues, misconduct and serious misconduct  

  • What is considered misconduct in NZ 

  • What does a robust misconduct process look like 

Serious Misconduct Processes 

  • Should an employee always be invited to an investigation meeting before they are invited to a disciplinary meeting 

  • What actions does the Employment Relations Authority consider “enough” to justify terminating for serious misconduct 

  • If there is a finding of serious misconduct, is termination the only option open to the employer  

Restructuring and Redundancy Processes 

  • Drafting the business case to restructure 

  • What does acting in good faith actually mean when it comes to a restructuring process 

  • Redeployment and the positive obligation in NZ 

The Personal Grievance Process in NZ 

  • The role of mediation 

  • The Employment Relations Authority process 

  • Settlement and remedies  

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Loads of relevant and important topics covered by SME's. Valuable information and knowledge sharing
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