Workshop A Agenda
Registration and welcome tea/coffee: 8:30am
Course duration: 9:00am-4:30pm
Performance Management Processes
What type of employee issues can be managed through a performance management process
What makes a justifiable Performance Improvement Plan
What do you need to show to justify a termination for performance
Misconduct Processes
What is the difference between performance issues, misconduct and serious misconduct
What is considered misconduct in NZ
What does a robust misconduct process look like
Serious Misconduct Processes
Should an employee always be invited to an investigation meeting before they are invited to a disciplinary meeting
What actions does the Employment Relations Authority consider “enough” to justify terminating for serious misconduct
If there is a finding of serious misconduct, is termination the only option open to the employer
Restructuring and Redundancy Processes
Drafting the business case to restructure
What does acting in good faith actually mean when it comes to a restructuring process
Redeployment and the positive obligation in NZ
The Personal Grievance Process in NZ
The role of mediation
The Employment Relations Authority process
Settlement and remedies